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我是1957年归国求学的越南归侨学生,几十年来一直在国内学习和工作。由于在越南出生长大,儿时的感触和印象一直挥之不去,魂牵梦萦。加之六七十年代的越南战争,更是国际社会关注的焦点,所以有关越南的一切,都成为我关注的对象。一1992年,我与几位老师结伴往越南,看望我的第二故乡。我们由广西的东兴过境,由于中越两国刚刚复交,被炸断的北仑桥还未修复,界河两岸的人们只能乘搭小艇来往。那时越南边境的芒街还是一个百废待兴的小镇,镇内看不到一座像样的建筑物,多数是简陋的摊档。不过那时的边贸已经发展起来,两国边民都在踊跃地做生意,东兴和芒街都一派繁忙景象。从东兴过境的中国游客非常多,他们之中有些是寻求商机的,有些是 I am a Vietnamese returning overseas Chinese who returned home in 1957 and have been studying and working in China for decades. Due to the growing up in Vietnam, childhood feelings and impressions have been lingering, dreaming. In addition, the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s was the focus of attention of the international community. Therefore, everything concerning Vietnam has become my target of concern. In 1992, I went to Vietnam with several teachers and visited my second hometown. We transit from Dongxing in Guangxi. As the Sino-Vietnamese diplomatic relations have just resumed, the Beilun Bridge that was blown up has not been repaired yet. People on both sides of the border can only travel by boat. At that time, the Mongol border along Vietnam’s border was still a wasteless town, and the town did not see a decent building, mostly simple ones. However, the border trade had been developed at that time. The people of both countries enjoyed active business and the busy scenes of Dongxing and Mangjie Street were busy. There are so many Chinese tourists crossing the border from Dongxing that some of them are seeking business opportunities and some are
马炳坚 ,194 7年 1月出生 ,河北安新人 ,中共党员 ,高级工程师 ,注册建筑师 ,著名古建筑专家。马炳坚同志从 196 7年开始投身祖国的古建筑保护修建事业 ,先后从事古建筑施工
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Balanced carrier transport is observed in acceptor-acceptor (A-A′) type polymer for ambipolar organic thin-film transistors B (OTFTs). It is found that the inc
针对目前水库工程除险加固设计水文计算工作所面临的形势和特点,展开分析,论述洪水复核应注意的问题。 In view of the current situation and characteristics of the hydrol