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红双味是我国葡萄专家由葡萄园皇后×红香蕉杂交育成。从引种试栽结果看,表现极佳,深受市场欢迎,具有良好的市场前景。其突出特点是: 一、成熟早 在我地 4月中旬萌芽, 5月中下旬开花, 7月中旬果实成熟。比巨峰早熟 35天,比极早熟的板田胜宝还早 7天。此时正是大棚葡萄 Double-red flavor is our grape experts from the vineyard × red banana hybrid breeding. From the introduction of planting trial results, the performance is excellent, welcomed by the market, with good market prospects. Its salient features are: First, mature as early as mid-April germination in my mid-to late May flowering, fruit ripening in mid-July. 35 days earlier than Jufeng, more than 7 days earlier than Banpo Shengpo. At this point is the greenhouse grapes
  Object: To investigate the presence of swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) of several large-scale slaughterhouses in scales in Shanghai.Methods: The bile, liver,
Schwann-like adipose-derived stem cells and nerve injury: Peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs) are a common clinical problem usually as a consequence of trauma. Des
灰霉病是日光温室常见的一种病害,近年来,随着温室芸豆同年面积的不断扩大,危害呈加重趋势,经调查,田间病株率在 20%~ 30%之间,一般造成减产 40%左右,严重者绝收,严重影响产量和效益,为改
苹果套袋 ,是目前我国生产高档苹果 ,获得高效益的重要措施。但近几年推广的套双层纸袋技术 ,由于纸袋价格昂贵 ,工本高 ,加上每棵树只能拣一少部分果套袋 ,并不能减少防治病
  As an important pathogen of human, Herpes Simplex Virus1 (HSV-1) can infect mucosa and nervous system above the waist, but also other organs.It interacts sp
  AIM: To investigate the effect of metabolic correlation factors on exosome production derived from dendritic cells so as to establish a method which can pro
近几年来 ,随着创汇蔬菜的发展 ,芦笋已成为山东省重要的出口创汇蔬菜之一 ,种植面积逐渐扩大 ,但由于农户种植时间短 ,栽培经验不足 ,普遍存在见效迟、产量低、空心多、病害
国务院办公厅11月20日通过中国政府网发布《国务院关于稳定消费价格总水平保障群众基本生活的通知》,要求各地和有关部门及时采取16项措施,进一步做好价格调 On November 20