位于甘肃靖远地区的水泉尖山-崛峿山南麓断裂带早第四纪前为走向逆断 层,第四纪中期出现左旋走滑迹象。研究结果表明,水泉尖山-崛峿山南麓断裂带断裂 活动的横向迁移与海原活动断裂带的形成和强烈活动有着密切的关系。
Located in Shuiquan Jianshan - Jingshan Mountain foothill in Jingyuan, Gansu, the fault zone started to reverse the fault in the early Quaternary, and left-lateral slip occurred in the middle of Quaternary. The results show that the horizontal migration of fault activity in the junction of Shuiquan Jianshan-Houpiyan fault zone is closely related to the formation and strong activity of the Haiyuan active fault zone.