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高速电气化牵引供电系统在整个高速电气化铁路中的作用非常重要,系统的安全运行是高速电气化铁路运行安全性得以保证的一项的重要前提。鉴于此,笔者结合自己多年来在高速电气化铁路领域中的工作经验,针对电力系统中高速电气化牵引供电系统起到的重要作用展开分析,并在此基础上对高速电气化牵引供电系统安全管理、加大力度进行安全管理等方面展开进一步的分析和探讨,对于高速电气化牵引供电系统运行的安全性来说,这具有非常重要的现实意义,希望本文的分析可以为相关研究提供一些参考。 The role of high-speed electrified traction power supply system in the entire high-speed electrified railway is very important. The safe operation of the system is an important prerequisite for guaranteeing the operational safety of high-speed electrified railway. In view of this, the author combines his years of experience in the field of high-speed electrified railway to analyze the important role played by high-speed electrified traction power supply system in power system. On this basis, the author analyzes the safety management of high-speed electrified traction power supply system, Great efforts to carry out safety management and other aspects of further analysis and discussion of high-speed electrification traction power supply system security, this has very important practical significance, I hope this analysis can provide some reference for the relevant research.
<正> 70年代后期我开始钻研经济学时,无论如何无法理解西方社会因需求不足而导致的经济萧条。因为人的消费欲望是无限的,人们不愿消费是因为没有钱。如果需求不足,大家加一点