本文对南宁地区174例平稀易位携带者的细胞遣传学进行了分析。1对象与方法 174例患者均为2009年1月至2012年12月来我院妇产科、生殖中心就诊或优生遗传门诊咨询的患者,主要临床表现:女性有不良妊娠史(反复自然流产、生育畸胎死胎、生育畸形儿)、闭经、不孕等;男性则主要是不育、少弱畸精症以及配偶不良妊娠史等。取患者外周血淋巴细胞培养,常规制
In this paper, 174 cases of lean transplanted carriers of Nanning area cell deportment were analyzed. 1 Subjects and Methods 174 patients were from January 2009 to December 2012 to our hospital obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive center treatment or eugenics genetic counseling patients, the main clinical manifestations: women have adverse pregnancy history (recurrent spontaneous abortion, Infertility, infertility, etc .; men are mainly infertility, oligoastheniatriosis and spouse adverse pregnancy history. Take patients with peripheral blood lymphocyte culture, routine