江苏乡镇工业在去年回升的基础上 ,今年一季度乘势强劲增长。截至三月底 ,全省乡镇工业企业完成增加值人民币447亿多元 ,比去年同期增长22 33 %;完成现价总产值2290 55亿元 ,增长18 04 %;实现营业收入和实现利税总额分别增长了二成二和二成五左右。江苏农村是
Jiangsu’s township industry, based on its rebound last year, has experienced strong growth in the first quarter of this year. As of the end of March, the added value of township and village industrial enterprises in the province was RMB 44.7 billion yuan, an increase of 22 33% over the same period of last year; the current total production value was RMB 2290.55 billion, an increase of 180.4%; the total operating income and total profits and taxes realized increased respectively. Twenty-two percent and twenty-five percent. Jiangsu countryside is