
来源 :中国皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eden_1005
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兰幼民,男,1936年5月出生,四川省荣经县人,汉族,中共党员,高级工程师。专业背景:皮革化学与工程。1957年毕业于成都工学院(现四川大学)皮革工程系,自1957年分配就业到1997年退休,先后在上海皮革公司所属制革厂和公司从事制革技术工作,历任制革厂技术员、工程师、副厂长、公司副总经理、总工程师、高级工程师;曾兼任上海市皮革技术协会两届理事长。1992年享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。他几乎将自己的一生奉献给上海皮革事业。凡40年,先后主持组织、参与完成“六·五”、“七·五”、“八·五”期间国家科技攻关项目;主持完成上海市科委“皮革一条龙”科技攻关项目(含11个子项);致力于上海皮革行业新产品开发和产品升级换代;参与完成上海制革行业迁建改造(大场)项目;协助张西林总工程师等筹措并完成联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO)首期援助项目;曾前往英国、德国、意大利、荷兰等12个国家和地区进行专业技术考察访问;成为上世纪下叶上海皮革科技界的领军人物之一。他先后撰写、发表《篮、排、足球革快速生产新工艺的研究》、《论八十年代猪皮制革新技术》等科技论文11篇;荣获上海市科技进步一等奖、轻工业部金龙腾飞奖和局级以上(含局级)科技成果奖励10项。曾获上海市第二轻工业局先进生产者、先进工作者、专业技术拔尖人才和中国轻工总会重大科技贡献者等殊荣。 Lan Youmin, male, born in May 1936, Rongjing County, Sichuan Province, Han nationality, member of CPC, senior engineer. Professional background: leather chemistry and engineering. He graduated from Leather Engineering Department of Chengdu Institute of Technology (now Sichuan University) in 1957 and has been working in distribution since 1957 until his retirement in 1997. He worked in tanning technology in the tannery and company owned by Shanghai Leather Co., Ltd. He successively worked as a tannery technician and engineer , Deputy director, deputy general manager, chief engineer and senior engineer of the company; once served as chairman of Shanghai Leather Technology Association for two times. In 1992, enjoy the special government allowance issued by the State Council. He devoted his life almost to the cause of leather in Shanghai. Where 40 years, has presided over the organization, participated in the completion of “six five”, “seven five ”, “eight five ” during the national scientific and technological project; presided over the completion of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission “Scientific and technological project (including 11 sub-items); committed to the Shanghai leather industry product development and product upgrading; involved in the completion of the transformation of Shanghai leather industry relocation (large field) project; to assist Zhang Xilin, chief engineer and other financing and the completion of the United Nations UNIDO first aid project; has traveled to Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and other 12 countries and regions to conduct professional and technical visits; become the last century, Shanghai leather science and technology leader one of the leaders. He successively wrote and published 11 scientific and technological articles such as ”Research on New Process of Rapid Production of Basket, Pai and Football Leather“ and ”Revolution on Pig Leather in the 1980s"; won first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, Jinlong Takeoff of Ministry of Light Industry Awards and bureau level or above (including bureau level) scientific and technological achievements award 10. Won the Shanghai Second Light Industry Bureau of advanced producers, advanced workers, top-notch professional and technical personnel and China Light Industry Association, a major contributor of scientific and technological achievements.