频道简介DW(Deutsche welle)德国国家电视台,是德国唯一以全球时事新闻为主的频道,以欧洲人的观点,放眼观察及剖析来自全世界的新闻资讯,其中不乏大量的中国国内资讯,让观众有机会能深入了解欧陆文化,因为其节目是以德语及英语向全球作24小时播送,不仅是国内观众学习外国语的好机会而且与同频的TV5一样,这两个频道都是提供居住国内的外籍人士亲近母语、了解世界即时资讯的渠道。DW-TV与其它五套欧洲节目通过亚洲二号卫星免费播出,其目的就是让亚太地区
Channel profile DW (Deutsche Welle) German national television station, is the only channel in Germany to the world news, based on the European point of view, look and analyze news from around the world, many of whom are a lot of domestic information in China, so that the audience Have the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of European culture because their programs are broadcast 24 hours a day in German and English and are not only good opportunities for domestic audiences to learn foreign languages but also the same frequency as TV5, both of which provide domestic Foreigners are close to their mother tongue and know the world’s real-time information channels. DW-TV and five other European shows aired for free on AsiaSat 2 satellite, the purpose is to let the Asia-Pacific region