一、引言 1957年,苏联将第一颗人造卫星送上了太空,引起世界震惊,当时有“卫星上天,红旗落地”之说。紧随其后,1962年美国发射了用于转播电视节目的通讯卫星“电星一号”,人类从此打开了卫星电视的窗口。1969年美国用卫星电视转播了阿波罗登月飞行,使地球上十几亿观众首次目睹了登月实况。宇航员阿木斯壮“我的一小步,人类的一大步”的话,成为人类探索浩瀚宇宙的千古名句。至今记忆犹新。同时,克朗凯特的主播风采更令世人赞叹。人们从此感到了卫星电视的无限魅力。
I. INTRODUCTION In 1957, the Soviet Union sent the first man-made satellite to space and aroused the world's shock. At that time, there was a saying of “satellite heaven and the red flag falling to the ground.” Immediately afterwards, the United States launched the satellite “Star One” in 1962 to broadcast television programs. From then on, humans opened the window of satellite television. In 1969, the United States relayed the Apollo missionary lunar flight with satellite television, making the first time that millions of viewers on earth have witnessed the lunar landing. Astronaut Armstrong “My small step, a big step for mankind,” then, become the eternal exploration of the vast universe of human names. Still fresh memories. At the same time, Cronkite anchor style even more impressive. People feel the infinite charm of satellite TV from this.