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自从我自全面实施九年义务教育以来,各地在由应试教育向素质教育转轨中,做了大量的工作,取得了很大的成绩。但是,在贯彻义务教育初中数学教学大纲和使用义务教育初中数学教材小,仍然没有摆脱应试教育的影响,据统计,全省有相当多的初中不按教学大纲和教材要求教学。他们以中考试题内容为依据,考什么内容教什么内容,擅自删去必学内容中的“实习作业”和先学内存中的“用计算器进行数的简单计算”、“用计算器求平均数、标准差与方差”等。对中考范围内的教学内存,随意膨胀加码,甚至把义务教育教学大纲已经删去的内容又拣了回来给学生补充。对教材中的“读一读”、“做一”、“想一想”的内容,与中考联系密切的也列入教学内容。 Since I implemented the nine-year compulsory education in an all-round way, I have done a great deal of work in the transition from exam-oriented education to quality-oriented education and have achieved great success. However, the implementation of compulsory education junior high school mathematics syllabus and the use of compulsory education junior high school mathematics textbooks small, still did not get rid of exam-oriented education, according to statistics, the province has a considerable number of junior high school does not follow the syllabus and teaching materials required teaching. They are based on the contents of the examination questions, what content to test what to teach, unauthorized deletion of the contents of the “internship” and “memory” in the first school memory, “a simple calculation of the number of calculators”, “ Calculate the average with a calculator, standard deviation and variance ”and so on. The memory of the exams within the scope of the examinations is arbitrarily expanded and increased, and even the content that has been deleted from the compulsory education syllabus is picked up again to replenish the students. The teaching materials in the “read a”, “do ”, “think about it ” content, and in close contact with the exam also included in the teaching content.
<正> 为庆祝国家自然科学基金委员会成立15周年及CLISBEA实施20周年,由北京大学、吴瑞协会、国家自然科学基金委员会、科技部、教育部等单位联合举办的“21世纪生物科学前沿