4月28日,武汉市副市长李涛等领导到市地税局机关,亲手为获市劳动模范荣誉称号的市地税局局长孙亚等戴上奖章,颁发证书,挂上大红花。 “五一”节前夕,武汉市政府市总工会通报表彰一批为全市经济发展和社会进步作出重要贡献的先进人物。在全市抗击非典的非常时期,为保护劳模们的身体健康,市委、市政府决定不集中召开劳模表彰大会,由市区领导分别带队将劳模喜报、奖章送到劳模手中。 据悉,全市税务系统获得武汉市第12届劳动模范称号的共有七名税干:市地方税务局局长孙亚、市地方税务局武昌区分局党组书记左昌链、市地方税务局江汉分局稽查局稽查员梁
On April 28, Li Tao, vice mayor of Wuhan City, led the Municipal Taxation Bureau and personally handed over the medal to the municipal taxation bureau’s director Sun Ya, who was awarded the honorary title of model worker of the city, and presented the certificate and hung the saffron. On the eve of May Day, the Wuhan Municipal Government General Trade Union notified and commended a group of advanced figures who made important contributions to the city’s economic development and social progress. In the city’s fight against SARS at an extraordinary period, in order to protect the health of their laborers, the municipal government decided not to hold a labor-intensive ceremony to congratulate the leaders of the urban areas led by model workers, respectively, medals, medals sent to model workers. It is reported that the city’s tax system to obtain the title of Wuhan City, the twelfth model worker a total of seven taxes: the local tax bureau, Sun Ya, City Local Taxation Bureau Wuchang District Party Secretary Zuo Chang chain, Jianghan Branch of the Local Taxation Bureau Inspection Bureau Inspector Liang