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中哈原油管道在计量交接过程中,由于分别使用了俄罗斯ГОСТ标准规定的原油油量计量方法和中国国家标准规定的原油油量计量方法,因此导致交接油量的计算结果不同。介绍了2种计量方法进行原油静态计量和原油动态计量的计算公式,比较了2种计量方法存在的主要差异:ГОСТ标准计算油量为原油在真空中的净质量,而中国国标计算的油量为原油在空气中的净质量;ГОСТ标准计算油量时减去了原油中水、氯盐及机械杂质的含量,而中国国标计算油量时只减去原油中的水含量。对ГОСТ标准的计算油量乘以空气浮力系数0.9987进行修正,即与中国国标的计算油量基本一致。 During the process of metrological handover, the crude oil pipelines of China and Kazakhstan, as a result of using the crude oil measurement method stipulated by the Russian ГОСТ standard and the crude oil measurement method stipulated by China’s national standard respectively, resulted in different calculation results of the delivered oil volume. Two kinds of measurement methods are introduced to calculate the static measurement of crude oil and the dynamic measurement of crude oil. The main differences between the two measurement methods are compared: ГОСТ standard calculates the net mass of crude oil in vacuum, while the calculated value of China national standard The net mass of crude oil in the air; ГОСТ standard when calculating the amount of oil minus the crude oil in water, chloride and mechanical impurities content, while China GB only calculates the amount of oil minus the water content of crude oil. The calculation of ГОСТ standard fuel multiplied by the air buoyancy coefficient of 0.9987 to be amended, that is, with the Chinese national standard calculation of oil is basically the same.
八宝与八宝饭八宝饭是春节甜点之一。关于“八宝”,传说是唐代中期多战乱,有一真如尼姑梦中到天宫,得玉帝召见,赐给她八种宝物:如意珠、红鞯鞴、琅垤珠、玉印、一对皇后采桑钩、两把雷公石斧。并说:“下界交给皇帝,可以镇邪息乱。”真如抵京长安,拜见肃宗皇帝,时肃宗李亨身染沉疴,危在旦夕,遗命太子李豫以此八宝治理天下。此后,兵革渐偃五谷丰登,百姓得以安居乐业。后世名为八宝,取意吉祥。  春节吃八宝饭是为了更加
在法国西南部有一个人口大约两万的小城,因为它出产一种白兰地酒而驰名世界,这个小城叫高尼亚克(Cognac)。有人将它音译为“科涅克”或者“干邑”,而“高尼亚克”最忠实于它在法语里的发音。“高尼亚克”源于古拉丁语,由“高尼”和“亚克”两个词合成,“高尼”指“高尼人”,“亚克”意为“居住的地方”,“高尼亚克”的意思是“高尼人居住的地方”、“高尼人之乡”。  11世纪时,由于方便的航运条件,高尼亚克成为