
来源 :云南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mark_johnson
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他象静静流淌着的杨柳河一样平常,然而,他也象杨柳河那样滋润了一方乡土。他就是把炽热的感情和心血倾注给彝族教育事业的保山市高寒山区杨柳彝族乡特级教师——杨全周。杨全周生长在施甸县由旺镇一个殷实的农民家庭。1959年8月他从保山地区师范毕业,来到了保山市杨柳彝族乡,被分配到最偏僻、最清苦的啊享寨。一个风雨交 He was as normal as the flowing Willow River, yet he moistened the other side as well as Yangliuhe. He is devoted to the education of the Yi nationality hot spring in the alpine mountainous Yangliu Yi nationality teacher - Young Quan Zhou. Yang all week grew up in Shidian County town by a well-established peasant family. He graduated from the Normal School in Baoshan District in August 1959 and came to the Yangliu Yi Nationality Township in Baoshan City, where he was assigned the most remote and afflicted village. A wind and rain
一1月18日上午8点。海口机场。从广州飞来的波音737 3315号航班刚刚着陆,机门开处,陆续走出一群运动服装束的人。男男女女,叽叽喳喳,都是些年轻人,有两个还只是十三、四岁的