历史的回顾对急性坏死溃疡性龈炎(ANUG)的叙述已有数百年历史,其病名也很多。在401BCXenophon 记载他的军队从波斯战败回来时,一些士兵患有疼痛,溃烂的口臭病。1778JohnHunter 第一个对 ANUG 与坏血病的口腔症状作鉴别诊断。1859 Hirschfeld 提到 Bergeron在法国服兵役时对该病作了急性和慢性区别,同时他还提到在1886 Hirsch 医生在描写该病症状时,除了呼吸臭、龈出血和假膜性溃疡外,还有诊断特点的线状唾液、颌下淋巴结肿大、发烧、抑郁。在那时,许多学者都在研究 ANUG 与细菌的关系,在1890年代,就认识该病的梭状螺
Historical Review The description of acute necrotic ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) has been hundreds of years old and its name is numerous. When 401BCXenophon documented his army's defeat from Persia, some soldiers were suffering from pain and ulceration. 1778JohnHunter the first ANUG and scurvy oral symptoms for differential diagnosis. 1859 Hirschfeld mentions that Bergeron made an acute and chronic distinction in his military service in France. He also mentioned that in 1886, Dr. Hirsch described the symptoms of the disease in addition to breathing stench, bleeding gums and pseudomembranous ulcers Diagnostic features of linear saliva, submandibular lymph nodes, fever, depression. At that time, many scholars were studying the relationship between ANUG and bacteria. In the 1890s,