In a project to prevent childhood lead poisoning in Poland, the researchers analyzed 11,877 children aged 24-84 months and assessed the relationship between lead exposure and blood lead levels in children of different sample seasons. The questionnaire data and environmental lead Level. Airborne lead concentrations and plumb deposition dust, which are indicators of ambient air testing systems, are below the current air quality standards in Poland and are declining. The geometric mean blood lead levels were 63 μg / L (range 6 to 480 μg / L), and blood lead levels> 100 μg / L for> 13% of children. The average blood lead level dropped from 68 μg / L in 1993-1994 to 55 μg / L in 1998. Although the concentration of lead in the air is high in the low-fall winter season (heating season) in the spring-summer season (non-heating season), the geometric mean blood lead level in spring and summer is 10% higher than in the autumn-winter season, The mean seasonal blood lead levels increased significantly with increasing concentrations of lead in the air. Poor housing conditions with two or more siblings in the family, the absence of entertaining trips to the field, and children’s outdoor time associated with an increase in blood lead levels. The results of a study on lead exposure in children in the Silesia region can be used to recommend and improve the criteria for establishing the risk of lead exposure in children so that more effective prevention measures can be taken.