彩色电视机在 AV 系统中有着举足轻重的地位。有的消费者在选购家庭影院系统时往往把主要的资金和技术咨询放在音响系统中,而忽视了彩色电视机的选择,误认为彩色电视机只要屏幕的尺寸大、图像的色彩鲜艳就可以了。众所周知,在 AV系统中主要是依靠视觉和听觉来感受逼真的临场效果,如果仅仅音响器材的重放效果很逼真,而电视机重放的画面暗淡,缺乏真实感,那么家庭影院的重放效果是不会完美的。因此,可以这么说,彩色电视机和音响系统在家庭影院系统中的地位是各占百分之五十。
Color TV in the AV system has a pivotal position. Some consumers often buy the home theater system, the main financial and technical advice on the audio system, while ignoring the choice of color TV sets, mistakenly believe that the color TV screen size as long as the image of the colorful It’s okay As we all know, in the AV system is mainly rely on visual and auditory to feel realistic on-site effect, if only the playback of audio equipment is very realistic, and TV playback picture dim, the lack of realism, then the playback of home theater It will not be perfect. So, so to speak, color TV sets and sound systems each make up 50% of the home theater system.