研究提速导致的列车不均衡到发对编组站运营工作的影响问题 ,提出新的基于列流分析的编组站运营组织模拟分析模型 ,该模型准确描述了编组站车流接续、到发线占用与调机运用三部分间的协调条件 ,自然地揭示了变动车流条件 (列车运行图、编组计划等 )、编组站设备与不同运输组织措施的相互关系 ,并给出了用于分析编组站运营组织效能的计算机模拟方法。在此基础上 ,利用已开发的模拟仿真软件系统 ,以某干线为案例 ,对 1 993年、1 997年及 2 0 0 2年客运提速前后 ,货运列流变动对编组站工作组织的影响进行了量化分析评价。研究表明 ,本模拟模型为分析评价编组站新的运营组织效果 ,提供了更为精确的手段和方法。
This paper studies the problem of unbalanced train caused by speeding up and affects the operation of marshalling yard and puts forward a new model of marshalling yard operation organization simulation analysis based on the flow analysis. The model accurately describes the marshalling and maneuvering of marshalling yard The machine uses the coordination conditions among the three parts to naturally reveal the interrelationship between the condition of changing traffic flow (train operation diagram, marshalling plan, etc.), marshalling station equipment and measures of different transport organizations, and gives the method for analyzing the performance of marshalling yard operation organization Computer simulation method. On the basis of this, using the developed simulation software system, taking a certain trunk line as an example, the influence of freight flow changes on the working organization of the marshalling tower was investigated before and after the acceleration of passenger traffic in 1993, 1997 and 2002 Quantitative analysis and evaluation. The research shows that this simulation model provides a more accurate method and method for analyzing and evaluating the new operating organization effect of marshalling yard.