患者女,45岁。因右侧腰背部酸痛4个月于2012年9月11日就诊。患者4个月前无明显诱因出现右侧腰背部持续性酸胀痛,弯腰及劳累后加重,在外院诊断为腰肌劳损,给予推拿理疗等对症治疗效不佳,遂来我院就诊。查体:L2椎体右侧棘旁稍膨隆,皮温不高,深压痛阳性。B超示:右侧腰椎旁实性低回声肿物,约5.0 cm×4.5 cm×4.5 cm,边界不清,肿物内回声不均匀,血流信号丰富。CT平扫示L2椎体右侧软组织内实性占位性病变,密度不均,边缘模糊,L2椎体后份及附件骨质吸收破坏。MRI示L2椎体右侧椎弓处见一团块状软组织样信号影,呈等T1、较长T2信号,脂肪抑制呈不均匀高
Female patient, 45 years old. 4 months due to right lower back ache on September 11, 2012. Patients 4 months ago no obvious incentive to appear on the right lower back sustained painful soreness, bending and fatigue after the diagnosis of lumbar muscle strain in the hospital, giving massage therapy and other symptomatic treatment ineffective, then came to our hospital. Examination: L2 vertebral right spinousus slightly bulging, skin temperature is not high, deep tenderness positive. B ultrasound showed: the right lumbar paravertebral solid hypoechoic tumor, about 5.0 cm × 4.5 cm × 4.5 cm, the boundary is unclear, the tumor echo uneven, rich blood flow signals. CT plain scan showed right soft tissue mass lesions on the right side of L2 vertebra, uneven density, blurred edges, posterior aspect of L2 vertebrae and attachment and bone resorption. MRI showed a mass of massive soft tissue-like signal at the right vertebral body of L2 vertebra, showing equal T1 and longer T2 signal, and the fat inhibition was not uniform