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1)《编辑学报》(以下称本刊)是定位于科技期刊学研究的学术期刊,发表有关科技期刊的编辑出版理论与实践问题研究的文章。凡跟科技期刊的编辑出版、经营管理、改革发展等关联性不强的论文,请改投他刊。2)本刊暂未设立网站,稿件请投至[email protected],目前存在的多个本刊官网均为假冒,注意切莫上当受骗。3)投稿前认真阅读《〈编辑学报〉论文格式简介》(见本刊2016年第4期第408页),务请按其规范撰 1) The Journal of Editorial (hereinafter referred to as the magazine) is an academic journals located in the study of sci-tech periodicals, and publishes articles on the research of editorial and publishing theories and practices of sci-tech periodicals. Any article that is not strongly related to editing, publishing, management, reform and development of sci-tech periodicals should be revisited. 2) This issue has not yet set up a website, manuscripts please vote to [email protected], there are many existing official website are fake, pay attention not to be fooled. 3) Please carefully read the format of the essay “Editorial Journal” (4th ed., 2016, p. 408) before submission, please follow the rules
针对近几年部分城市轨交区间隧道出现受损的问题,详细介绍了对受损隧道结构采用钢圈加固的施工工艺、施工设备及相关技术措施,可供类似工程参考。 Aiming at the problem of
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报告4例先天性食管狭窄,3例是管壁肌层肥厚,1例是管壁外层纤维结缔组织增生,后者罕见,初次报道,结合文献对该病的临床特征和x线表现作了讨论。 Report of 4 cases of congen
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小儿原发性肾病综合征(NS)的病因与发病机理尚不清楚,但患儿体内存在着免疫功能的改变已被临床观察所证实。本文以白细胞介素2(IL-2)作为免疫指标,探讨原发性 NS 患儿外周血