Development of Operational Space Environment Technology System

来源 :空间科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cykic
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With the increasing of users and the demands which are transforming from the monotonous traditional service to network service,Multiple space environment web applications including browser-client,rich-client and mobile-client applications have been developed by SEPC(Space Environment Prediction Center,NSSC,CAS)during the past few years.The architecture of Operational Space Environment Technology System(OSETS) that these applications rely on is described and the description of structural optimization of the architecture is provided.To demonstrate the evolution of the OSETS,three web application examples for e SpaceWx,Space Weather Situation Awareness Picture(SWSAP),Plug-and-Play SWx Analysis and Plotting Program(PPSWAP) are presented. With the increasing of users and the demands which are transforming from the monotonous traditional service to network service, multiple space environment web applications including browser-client, rich-client and mobile-client applications have been developed by SEPC (Space Environment Prediction Center, NSSC , CAS) during the past few years. The architecture of Operational Space Environment Technology System (OSETS) that these applications rely on is described and the description of structural optimization of the architecture is provided. To demonstrate the evolution of the OSETS, three web application examples for e SpaceWx, Space Weather Situation Awareness Picture (SWSAP), Plug-and-Play SWx Analysis and Plotting Program (PPSWAP) are presented.
本文从智能化监控系统的主要含义和内容出发,分析了建筑智能化监控系统的结构,针对建筑智能化监控系统的综合设计进行详细探究,并阐述了建筑智能化监控系统的施工重点。 Bas