一切就好像兜了一个大圈,又回到了原点。 7月20日,国王队中锋迪瓦茨已经得到了湖人队的答复,同意他加盟,在国王待了6个赛季后,36岁的迪瓦茨在阔别了湖人队8年之后重新回到了洛杉矶。 湖人队在1989年的选秀中选中了迪瓦茨,他在洛杉矶效力了7个赛季,直到湖人为了得到布莱恩特的选秀权才把他交换到了黄蜂队。现在湖人送奥尼尔去了迈阿密后,不顾一切的要得到一名中锋球员。国王队也向迪瓦茨提供了续约的条件,但不能跟湖人开出的相比,湖人为这位征战NBA15年的老将提供了一份免税合约,在下个赛季他
Everything seems like a big circle pocket, back to the origin. July 20, the Kings center Divac has received the Lakers reply, agreed to join him, the king spent six seasons, 36-year-old Divac died in the Lakers eight years later returned to Losangeles. The Lakers selected Divac in the 1989 draft, playing for seven seasons in Los Angeles until the Lakers swapped him for the Hornets in exchange for Bryant’s draft pick. Now the Lakers sent O’Neal to Miami, desperate to get a center player. The Kings also provided Divac with the terms of the contract, but not with the Lakers out of the Lakers for the NBA’s 15-year career will be the supply of a contract for the contract next season he