通过对水稻现代生产技术进行组装、集成与配套研究 ,形成了集水稻良种、测土推荐施肥及栽培配套技术、工厂化育秧、轻耕浅栽技术和机械化生产于一体的集约化水稻生产配套技术 ,实现了水稻生产良种化、规范化、规模化和现代化。在中山市三乡镇建立了 50hm2 示范区 ,每 667m2 水稻平均产量比试验前三年的平均产量增加 1 41kg ,节支增收 3 83元。实现了高产出高效益
Through the research on the assembly, integration and ancillary technologies of modern rice production technology, the company has formed intensive rice production supporting technologies integrating rice seed cultivation, soil testing and soil fertilization and planting supporting technologies, industrialized seedling cultivation, light-field cultivation and mechanized production in one , To achieve a good variety of rice production, standardization, scale and modernization. A demonstration area of 50hm2 was established in Sanxiang Township, Zhongshan City. The average yield per 667m2 rice increased by 41kg from the average output of the first three years of the experiment, and the expenditure on relief increased by 3 83yuan. Achieved high yield and high efficiency