一种新型治疗精神病的药物,氯氮平(Clozapine)在临床上得到了广泛应用。它是一种作用强,见效快的抗精神分裂症的幻觉,妄想、紧张状态而付作用小的药物。服这种药不产生锥体外系的并发症。适当地增加药量,抗病作用明显增强;服药过量则结果相反。因此,随时检测患者血液中含药浓度,以合理控制用药量,在临床治疗中非常重要。 本文采用薄层色谱法,采血样可测出血液中的药物浓度。其方法简单快速,准确。灵敏度高。实验中对血样预处理,薄层展开及扫描条件进行了选择,测定了标准浓变曲线,并实际测定了患者血液中氯氮平的浓度。
A new drug for the treatment of mental illness, clozapine (Clozapine) has been widely used clinically. It is a potent and quick anti-schizophrenic hallucination, delusional, nervous state and pay little for the drug. This medicine does not produce extrapyramidal complications. Appropriate to increase the dose, the role of disease resistance was significantly enhanced; overdose took the opposite result. Therefore, at any time to detect the blood concentration in patients with drugs in order to control the dosage, in clinical treatment is very important. In this paper, thin-layer chromatography, blood samples can be measured in the blood drug concentration. The method is simple and fast, accurate. high sensitivity. In the experiment, the pretreatment of blood sample, the lamellar expansion and the scanning conditions were selected, the standard curve of concentration was determined, and the concentration of clozapine in blood was measured.