辽宁省钱币学会秘书长吴振强同志 ,不幸于2 0 0 3年 8月 8日因交通事故去世 ,享年 58岁。吴振强同志是中国钱币学会第四届、第五届理事会理事和学术委员 ,在辽宁钱币、中国近现代货币 ,特别是人民币的鉴定和研究方面有很深的造诣并做出了重要贡献。曾获中国钱币学会最高学术奖
Comrade Wu Zhenqiang, secretary general of the Liaoning Provincial Institute of Numismatics, unfortunately, died of a traffic accident on August 8, 2003, at the age of 58. Comrade Wu Zhenqiang is the director and academic committee member of the 4th and 5th council of China Numismatics Society. He has profound accomplishments and made important contributions to the identification and research of the Liaoning coin, the modern Chinese currency, especially the Renminbi. Won the highest academic award of China Numismatic Society