湖北省最大的大气污染索赔集团诉讼案,9月10日由黄石市中级人民法院一审审结。原告大冶县保安镇2822位农民胜诉,被告大冶有色金属公司被判令其赔偿原告经济损失512323.81元。 1991年8月中旬,保安镇株树和牛山两个办事处12个村的部分晚稻、芝麻等农作物出现叶片萎蔫,褐色条斑密布,遭受到突发性危害。8月18日,保安镇政府向黄石市环保局、大冶有色金属公司、大冶县环保局等有关单位报告了灾情,请求派人到现场勘察鉴定、处理。
Hubei Province’s largest lawsuit on air pollution claims filed on September 10 was concluded by Huangshi Intermediate People’s Court in first instance. 2822 farmers of Baoan Town, Daye County, the plaintiff won the case. The defendant Daye Nonferrous Metals Company was ordered to compensate the plaintiff for the economic loss of 512,323.81 yuan. In mid-August 1991, part of late rice and sesame crops in 12 villages of two branches of Baoshu Town and Niushan were wilted and brownish patches were spotted, causing sudden emergencies. August 18, the security town government to the Yellowstone Environmental Protection Agency, Daye Nonferrous Metals, Daye County Environmental Protection Agency and other relevant units reported the disaster, asked to send someone to the scene investigation and identification, processing.