井圪塔,这个位于山西吉县城西5里的普普通通的小山村,居住着11户农民,他们面朝黄土背朝天,“日出而做,日落而息”,祖祖辈辈就这样劳作着,倒也安安然然地生存过来了。谁也不曾想到,这些安分守己、安居乐业的人们却遭受过一场毁灭性的灾难: 1938年12月31日,对吉县人民来说是个心惊胆寒、毛骨惊然的日子。日本鬼子进吉县城了。县城里的居民惊慌失措,乱成一片。井圪塔人也听到日本鬼子进城的消息了,他们却没有城里人那样慌张,他们自有藏身的好去处——寨子。井圪塔的寨子已有一百多年的历史
Wells tower, this is located in Shanxi Ji County, 5 miles west of the ordinary village, living 11 peasants, facing the back of loess, “sunrise and sunset, and interest,” so ancestors work, It is safe to survive. No one ever thought that those people who lived in peace and contentment and who lived and worked in peace and contentment had suffered a devastating disaster: On December 31, 1938, they were terribly scared and scared to the people of Jixian County. Japanese devils into the Kyrgyz city. Residents in the county panicked, chaos into one. Wells tower tower also heard the news of Japanese devils into the city, but they did not panic the city people, they have their own good place to hide - stockade. Well Jingtao’s stockade has been a hundred years of history