[读一读] 四合院里的邻居们几年前,我家住在一座四合院里。院里几家邻居相处得就像一家人一样。冬天下雪了,李大妈很早就出来扫雪。每当这时,大家都很过意不去。李大妈说:“这活儿我来干。你们早上上班的人,快去上班吧。”吴大伯家的房子漏雨了,王叔叔马上和好了一桶青灰,自告奋勇爬上房去补。吴大伯笑着说:“小伙子心眼儿真好!”王叔叔修好房顶,从房上下来,喘着气说:“大伯,您放心,雨再大这房也不会漏了。以后有什么活儿,您只管说一声。”邻里之间互相帮助的事举不胜举,给我印象最深的,还是邻居们对我的关心。有一次父
[Read from] Siheyuan neighbors A few years ago, my family lived in a courtyard. Several neighbors get along in the courtyard just like a family. Winter snow, Aunt Lee came out early snow. Whenever this time, everyone is very sorry. Aunt Lee said: “I work to do this job.You go to work in the morning, go to work quickly.” Wu uncle house leaking, Uncle Wang immediately reconcile a barrel of ash, volunteered to climb up to fill the room. Uncle Wu laughed and said: “Uncle boys look really good!” Uncle Wang repaired the roof, down from the room, gasping and said: “Uncle, you rest assured that the rain again this room will not leak. Please do not hesitate to say something. ”There is so much to help each other in the neighborhood that they impressed me the most, or the neighbors' concern for me. Once a father