建立健全一个适应经济全球化新形势需要的、开放统一的市场,对于正在经受“入世”洗礼的中国来说,显得格外紧迫。 长期以来,我国的内贸和外贸分割管理,1998年以来分别归口国家经贸委和外经贸部,产品的进出口工作分别由国家计委、国家经贸委和外经贸部负责。商务部的成立改变了这种内外贸分割、国内外市场分割和进出口配额分割的管理体制。根据我国加入世贸组织的承诺, “入世”3年内,所有中外企
To establish and perfect a market that is open and unified to meet the needs of the new situation of economic globalization is especially pressing for China, which is undergoing the “accession to the WTO” baptism. For a long time, the division of management of domestic trade and foreign trade in our country has been under the control of the State Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation respectively since 1998. The import and export of products are respectively handled by the State Development Planning Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission and the MOFTEC. The establishment of the Ministry of Commerce has changed this management system of internal and external division of trade, domestic and international market segmentation and the division of import and export quotas. According to our country’s commitment to WTO accession, all Chinese and foreign enterprises within 3 years after China’s accession to the WTO