A Multi-agent Framework of an Integrated Plant Maintenance System

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengfusky
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Based on systematic analysis, an Integrated Plant Maintenance System(IPMS) is proposed in this paper to cope with challenges in plant maintenance. The characteristics of the IPMS are summarized and the necessity of its modeling is set forth. Based on the analysis and comparison among structured, object-oriented and multi-agent modeling frameworks, a multi-agent modeling framework is selected in this paper as a theoretical guidance and together with the Tropos method for modeling, the system model of an integrated plant maintenance system is constructed. The system model developed in this paper provides a guidance template for the Baling company in its stepwise implementation of the IPMS. Based on the systematic analysis, an Integrated Plant Maintenance System (IPMS) is proposed in this paper to cope with challenges in plant maintenance. The characteristics of the IPMS are summarized and the necessity of its modeling is set forth. Based on the analysis and comparison among structured, object-oriented and multi-agent modeling frameworks, a multi-agent modeling framework is selected in this paper as a theoretical guidance and together with the Tropos method for modeling, the system model of an integrated plant maintenance system is constructed. The system model developed in this paper provides a guidance template for the Baling company in its stepwise implementation of the IPMS.
一辆97年款进口奥迪 A6 2.8 L乘用车,采用 OIV 手动/自动一体化五档变速器,四轮驱动。当其行驶速度为18 km/h~20 km/h 时,整个车身有明显的前后窜动(俗称“耸车”)的现象。此
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睾丸横跨异位临床罕见.我院收治1例左睾丸横跨异位并输精管融合患儿,现报告如下.  患儿:男,22个月.生后双侧阴囊内无睾丸.检查:发育营养好,心肺未见异常.阴茎发育正常.双侧阴囊内未触及睾丸.右腹股沟下段可触及睾丸样物.手术经过:经右腹股沟疝切口,寻及疝囊.
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