记不得从什么时候开始,中国人把彩电的角色从奢侈品转换成了必备品;更不记得从什么时候开始,黑白变成了彩色,“小方块”变成了大屏幕;现在更是新名词层出不穷——背投彩电、等离子彩电、数字电视…… ——可这其中到底谁主沉浮,似乎很难让人一言而蔽之。但背投式电视在家电市场上那优美的舞姿也同样让我们难以释怀……
Can not remember when to start, the Chinese people to the role of color TV from luxury goods converted into essential items; but do not remember when to begin, black and white into a color, “small square” into a big screen; now is more New terms emerge in an endless stream - rear projection TV, plasma TV, digital TV ... - but it seems difficult to make a statement in the end. But the rear-projection TV in the home appliance market that graceful dance also makes it hard for us to let go ......