【出 处】
行政契约是在行政管理中产生的既有行政性、又有约定性的一种管理契约,它既是一个政治概念,又是一个法律概念.首先,它是属于政治契约中“统治契约”(contract of government
A Holistic Approach for the Development and Implementation of Robust and Cost-Effective Enterprise W
Recent advancements in internet mapping technology, efficient geospatial data management systems, and availability of different GIS API’s have revolutionized t
Noise is any sound that causes physiological uneasiness to the ear. People in many environments today, especially urban ones, are exposed to such noise without
There are several techniques that were developed for determining the linear features. Lineament extraction?from satellite data has been the most widely used app
摘 要:幅员辽阔的中华大地,孕育了世界上唯一没有被中止的文化传统,而这种历史悠久,连绵不断的文化形式,保存了太多的文化遗留,主流文化很早便完成了从蒙昧向文明的转变,而未被理性教化的民间社会却从未脱离原始思维,充斥于民间的神话、巫术、神坛祭祀等“迷信”活动,无不显露出这些原始信仰在民间社会的重要地位。武术根植于民间,在充满遗留文化的神秘环境中完成了自身的演进,从神话传说与神灵崇拜、巫术仪式、巫术修炼
The paper describes a simplified GIS approach, for landslides risk assessment in the Province of Bergamo, developed for a GIS degree thesis at the faculty of En
胆固醇结晶发生于眼前房水内,在临床上较少见,我院1985年遇到1例特报道如下: 郝××,男,24岁,农民,住院号22~3933,主诉:右眼被拳击伤10余天,伤后跟睑肿胀,疼痛及视物