Death Penalty Rethink

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China is set to drop the death penaltyfor 13 economy-related non-violentcrimes in the latest amendment to theCriminal Law. The proposal by the NationalPeople’s Congress Standing Committeein August has drawn renewed attention toChina’s death penalty, under which the revisionwould cut the current 68 crimes punishableby death to 55. If passed, it will bethe first time the scope of the death penaltyhas been reduced since China enacted itsCriminal Law in 1979. Zhou Guangquan,Deputy Dean of Tsinghua University LawSchool and NPC Legal Committee member,recently shared his thoughts on this topicwith ChinAfrica. Zhou said that givenChina’s reality, abolition of death penaltyshould be proceeded in a gradual manner,so as to avoid any negative impact on socialstability and public security. Excerpts of histhoughts follow:
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