Fusion genes in solid tumors:an emerging target for cancer diagnosis and treatment

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengshisanren
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Studies over the past decades have uncovered fusion genes, a class of oncogenes that provide immense diagnostic and therapeutic advantages because of their tumor-specific expression. Originally associated with hemotologic cancers, fusion genes have recently been discovered in a wide array of solid tumors, including sarcomas, carcinomas, and tumors of the central nervous system. Fusion genes are attractive as both therapeutic targets and diagnostic tools due to their inherent expression in tumor tissue alone. Therefore, the discovery and elucidation of fusion genes in various cancer types may provide more effective therapies in the future for cancer patients. Studies over the past decades have uncovered fusion genes, a class of oncogenes that provide immense diagnostic and therapeutic advantages because of their tumor-specific expression. Originally associated with hemotologic cancers, fusion genes have recently been discovered in a wide array of solid tumors, including sarcomas, carcinomas, and tumors of the central nervous system. Fusion genes are attractive as both therapeutic targets and diagnostic tools due to their inherent expression in tumor tissue alone. Thus, the discovery and elucidation of fusion genes in various cancer types may provide more effective therapies in the future for cancer patients.
In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that noncoding RNAs(ncRNA) are of crucial importance for human cancer. The functional relevance of ncRNAs i
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