ChinaJoy(以下简称CJ)刚刚落幕不久,韩国媒体就称CJ中有多款国产网络游戏有“抄袭”行为之嫌,其中涉及盛大、久游、炎龙科技开发和代理的多款作品,并称China Joy在一片“抄袭”声中落幕。事实上,中国互联网的不少成功模式都是来自欧美发达国家,移动互联网的增值服务则很多都是照搬韩日服务商。这些我们不需要否认,但这并不代表国人就没有自己的智慧。
ChinaJoy (hereinafter referred to as CJ) has just ended soon, South Korean media said CJ has a variety of domestic online games have “plagiarism” behavior is suspected, which involves Shanda, Jiuyou, Yan Lung technology development and agency variety of works, And said China Joy in a “plagiarism” sound ended. In fact, many successful models of China’s Internet come from the developed countries in Europe and the United States. Many of the value-added services of the mobile Internet are copying Korean and Japanese service providers. These we do not need to deny, but this does not mean that people do not have their own wisdom.