前不久 ,中国消防协会发出了关于举办首届“消防产业 2 0强企业家论坛”的通知。通知说 ,改革开放以来 ,我国消防产业得到了长足的发展 ,一批科技含量高 ,创新能力强的骨干企业迅速成长。这些企业大多拥有各自的主导产品和核心技术 ,在国内具有较大的市场占有率和知名度 ,在促?
Not long ago, the Chinese Fire Protection Association issued a notice on hosting the first “Forum on the 20 Most Important Entrepreneurs of the Fire Protection Industry”. The notice said that since the reform and opening up, China’s fire-fighting industry has made considerable progress. A group of key enterprises with high technological content and strong innovation capabilities have grown rapidly. Most of these companies have their own leading products and core technologies, and they have a relatively large market share and popularity in the country.