瑞士的洛桑原来是个极普通的欧洲小城市,只有20多万人口,20世纪80年代之前世界上没有多少人能在地图上找出它的准确方位。如今由于洛桑成为国际奥委会总部的永久驻地,伴随着奥林匹克运动的不断发展壮大和日益深入人心,这个日内瓦湖畔的宁静小城已成为世界体育名城,体育爱好者心目中的圣地——“麦加”。 由于工作关系,近10年来我有
Lausanne, Switzerland was originally a very ordinary small European city, with a population of more than 200,000. Before the 1980s, not many people in the world could find its exact position on the map. Now that Lausanne has become a permanent resident of the International Olympic Committee headquarters, along with the continuous development and expansion of the Olympic Movement and its growing popularity, the quiet town on the shores of Lake Geneva has become the world’s sports city, sports enthusiasts in the eyes of the Holy Land - “Mecca ”. Due to my working relationship, I have been in the past 10 years