Cultural Differences and Integration between China and the West in A Grandson from America

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  【Abstract】:With the development of human globalization and informatization, people with different cultural backgrounds communicate with one another more frequently than ever before. Intercultural communication leads to wide variations between each country in mode of thinking, sense of value, and ways of eating and so on.Through A Grandson from America, people can have a better understanding of enjoyable entertainment and cultural distinctions between China and the West.
  【Key words】: cultural differences, integration, conflicts, intercultural perspective
  Part one :Different Ways of Thinking Reflected in A Grandson from America
  In A Grandson from America, first, when Lao Yang knows his son gets married to an American woman who has already divorced, he feels so humiliated that he announces his son is still single.Lao Yang’s son takes his wife and “American son” both back to China. It is obvious Brooks is much more different from any other boy in Lao Yang’s village. For the sake of his reputation, Lao Yang takes Brooks to downtown to change his hair color from blond to black, what’s worse, Lao Yang isn’t willing to go back home until it is dark. At last,although villagers find Brooks’ existence, Lao Yang still lies to others that Brooks is from Xinjiang. Maybe this kind of circumstance could be called “facial value” in China. By contrast, Brooks comes from the U.S., he is taught to be independent and brave when he was a child. So when Brooks wets his bed, he doesn’t ask Lao Yang for any help at all and he airs his quilts by himself. Differences about modes of thinking between China and the West lie in places where people are in danger. On the one hand, Chinese people are ready to seek help from other persons rather than solve problems by themselves; on the other hand ,contrary to former, Americans are more willing to settle disputes by coming up with solutions.
  Part two :Eating Habits Reflected in A Grandson from America
  In A Grandson from America, Lao Yang comes from Shanxi Province which is famous for pasta, especially Youpo Noddles. However, Brooks is growing up in the U.S., so he is more likely to have American traditional food, especially hamburgers and potato chips. During Brooks’ life in China, because of poor living condition, he couldn’t eat any kind of American food at all, what’s worse, he isn’t able to understand what Lao Yang says when they meet at the first sight. Whenever Brooks sees Lao Yang eat a kind of Chinese pasta with garlic, which he is deeply shocked. At the beginning of Brook’s life in village, he prefer to have instant noddles rather than the food Lao Yang has prepared for him. In order to make Brooks eat more food, Lao Yang has to find some American food. With the help of a shop owner, Lao Yang uses his own way to invent a kind of “Chinese hamburger” which is similar to the American hamburger. To Lao Yang’s delight, Brooks is so fond of it and he chooses that instead of instant noddles. With time goes by, Brooks falls in love with Chinese food, and he can even use chopsticks to eat noddles. That indicates no matter American or Chinese food, differences lie in eating habits or ways of eating, and of course, those variations won’t influence communications and intercourse between China and the West.   Part three:Diversity of Language Reflected in A Grandson from America
  In A Grandson from America, Lao Yang is a typical traditional Chinese. Even though Brooks has learned Chinese before, he couldn’t understand what Lao Yang said because of Lao Yang’s accent. For example, when Lao Yang meets Brooks at the first sight, “you look differently from other children, which will let villagers laugh at me.” he says But at the same time, Brooks doesn’t know Lao Yang is complaining to him, he wants to make sure why other villagers laugh at him.Lacking in knowing about Chinese culture may cause that kind of problems. Most researches are about verbal analysis, people pay little attention to nonverbal ones. However, people must admit that nonverbal communication also ranks an important part in communicating. In A Grandson from America, Lao Yang can’t speak English, so he couldn’t talk to Brooks in a normal way. Most of the time, Lao Yang depend on nonverbal communication to judge what Brooks’ words mean. Lao Yang has to learn some English so that he can make a better communication with Brooks. In terms of American culture, American English has its own rules to from a sentence, however, Lao Yang was born in a small village in China, and he knows nothing about American culture, finally he chooses a traditional Chinese way to speak English. “dog” and “sun” are the two words he has learned from his friends, and Lao Yang decides to combine these two English words to mean he isn’t satisfied with Brooks.Although one can speak another language, without knowing about culture of its target language and it is a useless movement. After living together for some time, Lao Yang and Brooks both begin to learn each other’s language and culture. At the end of the movie, overcoming difficulties between them, they become friends at last.
  Part four: Conclusion
  Conflicts and discrepancies between China and the West are an indisputable fact. Facing those differences and having a better understanding of them is one of the best ways to shorten the distance between China and the West.In A Grandson from America, people can not only see the conflicts, but also integration between China and the West, so it is worth being watched in a sense of intercultural communication.
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【摘要】:本文对莲花池武馆18-44岁青年男性转身后蹬腿的掌握情况进行调查分析。发现该年龄段男性在完成转身后蹬腿技术动作时存在支撑腿捻转不足,蹬击腿高度不足打击不准等问题,通过调查发现出现这些问题是由于青年男性自身柔韧性不好、肢体协调性不好,核心力量不足等限制因素所导致。针对这些问题提出建议:加强柔韧性训练,进行肢体协调针对性训练、在力量训练过程中侧重核心力量的训练。  【关键词】:转身后蹬腿;散
【摘要】:造型是工笔人物画的基础,有了良好的基础才能创作出完美的作品。造型自成一套独立的艺术语言,包括了以“意”造型、以“线”造型和以“色”造型。  【关键词】:工笔人物画;线条;造型;色彩  中国传统文化代表之一的国画源远流长,国画大致分为山水、花鸟、人物三大方面。人物画是发展最早,历史最为悠久的画种之一,分为工笔人物画和写意人物画,而工笔人物画又是最先趋于成熟的。从工笔人物画中看造型艺术,可大
【摘要】:绘画创作是作者通过绘画的方式来表达自己的情感与价值观,是一种创作者与欣赏者之间无言的交流。虽然不同的人有不同的感受,但是对美的事物大家都是一致认可。对于一幅作品的评论,真、善、美仍然是绘画艺术审美的标准,在艺术的发展中,绘画无论以何种形式展示,首先是被其固有的美吸引观众,只有这样才会对其进行更全面的品读,发现美,并用自己的语言表现出来。  【关键词】:审美;绘画创作;探索;应用  一、感
【摘要】:本文通过造型基础训练的练习,通过从具象思维到抽象思维的转变,再对抽象思维的深刻理解,归纳总结出抽象思维是脱离事物外在表面对其本质的呈现过程。  【关键词】:抽象思维;造型运用;本质  一、表面的具象思维  每当我们进行艺术创作与思考时,往往只是用不同的创作形式去描述客观存在的事物或状态,这种艺术形象与自然形态最为相似,未经提炼与加工,这一过程正是具象思维的体现。  通常艺术创作者此时往往
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【摘要】:小说《游园惊梦》中的蓝田玉曾是昆曲名角,今应邀参加昔日姐妹淘桂枝香的生日宴,相似的场景、旁人的吹捧让重回繁华场所的蓝田玉对演唱昆曲充满期待,然而在经历了现实和意识的“游园”后,蓝田玉身心俱痛,蓦然醒悟,断然不唱。本文通过文本细读分析蓝田玉原本会唱的可能及其一步步被消解的过程,体会蓝田玉在被消解过程中外显的数十年人生经验,进而全面感受白先勇在此处创作实践中的意义及艺术价值。  【关键词】: