In this paper, normal human peripheral blood 2 ~ 4m1, 1000 ~ 1500r / min centrifugation for 10 minutes, 4% glutaraldehyde fixed by conventional electron microscopy specimens. Semi-thin sections locate leukocytes and make ultrathin sections collected on a nickel-free membrane. Ultrathin sections were first etched with H 2 O 2, followed by 1% ovalbumin for 15 minutes and then sectioned sequentially in anti-human ferritin antibody (one rabbit anti-human ferritin polyclonal antibody and the other mouse anti-human iron Protein monoclonal antibody), 10 nm staphylococcus a protein - colloidal gold probe (PAG), and finally stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed with a transmission electron microscope JEM-1200EX. The results are as follows: The ultrastructures of various blood cells are clearly visible, and the responses of the two antibodies in leukocytes are significantly different. After staining with cardiac ferritin monoclonal antibody, it was found that the positive colloidal gold particles only existed on the granules of eosinophils