心力衰竭病人经休息、限钠、强心、利尿等常规治疗后,疗效不明显或日益加重,这种恶化的临床状态可称为难治性心力衰竭。各种类型的器质性心脏病均可导致难治性心力衰竭,其血流动力学的主要特点是:(1) 心脏指数常小于2升/分/米2;(2) 心室舒张末期压增高;(3) 射血分数降低;(4) 心室收缩状态受损;(5) 周围血管阻力明显升高。在治疗难治性心力衰竭之前,需通过仔细检查,寻找诱因(如感染、心律失常等);有无并发症(如肺栓塞、心源性肝硬化、肾病等);心脏本身病变是否进展加重(如心肌梗塞扩展);治疗措施是否落实(如低盐饮食、药物等);有无洋地黄中毒及电解质紊乱。必要时作气囊漂浮导管血流动力学监测,以指
Heart failure patients after rest, limiting sodium, cardiac, diuretic and other conventional treatment, the effect is not obvious or growing, the clinical deterioration of this condition can be referred to as refractory heart failure. Various types of organic heart disease can lead to refractory heart failure, the main features of hemodynamics are: (1) cardiac index often less than 2 liters / min / m2; (2) ventricular end-diastolic pressure (3) decreased ejection fraction; (4) impaired ventricular contraction; (5) peripheral vascular resistance was significantly increased. In the treatment of refractory heart failure, through careful examination, looking for incentives (such as infection, arrhythmia, etc.); with or without complications (such as pulmonary embolism, cardiogenic cirrhosis, nephropathy, etc.); (Such as myocardial infarction expansion); treatment is implemented (such as low-salt diet, drugs, etc.); whether digitalis poisoning and electrolyte imbalance. When necessary, balloon catheter floating hemodynamic monitoring to refer to