依法打假 任重道远

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假冒伪劣商品充斥市场,从关系到人民身体健康和生命安全的食品、药品等一般生活用品,到高档消费品和重要生产资料,假冒伪劣商品无处不在,不仅品种多、数量大、范围广,而且呈蔓延之势,一些地区甚至泛滥成灾。从去年起,国务院决定,在全国范围内开展一场声势浩大而又讲求实效的严厉打击制售假冒伪劣商品违法犯罪活动的联合行动。坚持不懈地打击制售假冒伪劣产品,已成为“十五”期间整顿和规范市场经济秩序的首要任务。为此,谨建议如下:1、各级领导重视,建立并完善打假责任制和责任追究制。从根本上解决制假售假问题,必须各级政府高度重视,动员社会各方力量,实行综合治理,形成打假强大攻势。要按照“属地管理”原则,建立行之有效的打假责任制,形成横向到边、纵向到底的打假责任制网络。一要明确各级政府、部门、组织在打假工作中的责任和义务、目标和任务;二要明确下管一级的政绩考核标准和奖惩依据,并 Fake and shoddy goods are flooding the market, ranging from general household items such as foodstuffs and medicines related to people’s health and life safety to high-end consumer goods and important means of production. Fake and shoddy goods are everywhere, not only in variety, quantity and scope, but also The trend is spreading, and some areas even flooded. Since last year, the State Council has decided to launch a nationwide massive and pragmatic joint operation to crack down on illegal and criminal activities in the manufacture and sale of fake and shoddy goods. Persevere in cracking down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products has become the primary task of rectifying and standardizing the market economic order during the “15th Five-Year Plan.” To this end, I would like to suggest the following: 1. Leaders at all levels attach importance to establishing and improving the system of accountability for fraud and accountability. To fundamentally solve the issue of counterfeiting and selling goods, governments at all levels must attach great importance to mobilizing all sectors of society and implement comprehensive governance to form a powerful offensive against counterfeiting. In accordance with the principle of “territorial management”, we must establish an effective system of responsibility for fighting against fake goods and form a network of responsibility systems for fighting frivolity from the horizontal to the horizontal and vertical to the end. First, it is necessary to clarify the responsibilities and obligations, objectives and tasks of governments, departments and organizations at all levels in cracking down on counterfeiting work. Secondly, it is necessary to make clear the performance evaluation standards and rewards and punishments at the level of management and
10月25日,贵州省安顺市紫云县,从北京回到故里的杨正江,早已经投入到了《亚鲁王》第二部的采集工作中。长期的户外工作,让29岁的杨正江皮肤黝黑。自2003年起,这个苗族青年便徒步穿行于贵州麻山腹地,收集流传于深山苗寨中的歌谣。  目前,由中华书局出版的《亚鲁王》第一部终于面世。2月21日,《亚鲁王》成果发布会在北京人民大会堂举行。其文化价值堪比《格萨尔王传》的苗族史诗《亚鲁王》的出版,改写了我国民
早就耳闻张家界地貌奇特,有着泰山之雄、华山之险、黄山之变化、桂林之秀丽。这次和大家一起来到张家界,我才真正领略到这迷人的景色。  坐车从张家界市区向东北方向走了一个多小时,虽然苍翠的群山连绵不绝,但平乏无味。不料车子刚转过一个山头,眼前的景色巨变,完全使我们进入了另外一个世界。这里的山峰重重叠叠,拔地而起,一座挨着一座,形态各异。有的像背草篓的采药老翁;有的像招手欢迎我们的老寿星;有的酷似一对夫妻
正如文章开头所说:“往事即是不可重来的回忆。”而往事的回忆往往会使人惊叹,使人振奋,使人感慨,使人快乐,或者还可以说会使人进步。 As the article said at the beginnin