案例 1 顺应学生的认知结构例题 已知函数 f (x) =1a(3 x - b)的图像过点 A(1 ,2 )和 B(2 ,5) .(1 )求函数 f -1 (x)的解析式 ;(2 )记 an =3 f-1 (n) (n∈ N+ ) ,是否存在正数 K,使得 (1 +1a1) (1 +1a2)… (1 +1an)≥ K 2 n +1对一切 n∈ N+ 均成立 ?若存在 ,则求出 K的最
Case 1 Adapting to Students’ Cognitive Structure Example Examining a function f (x) =1a (3 x - b) The image points A (1, 2) and B (2, 5) (1) Find the function f -1 (x) The analytical expression; (2) Note an = 3 f-1 (n) (n∈ N+), whether there is a positive number K, such that (1 +1a1) (1 +1a2)... (1 +1an)≥ K 2 n +1 is true for all n∈ N+? If it exists, then find the K’s most