The market-individualistic and egoistic rational man model dominates the current discussion of the development of social policy interventions. One issue raised concerns the contribution of a limited social policy to the social harmony in an increasingly unequal society. This article reviews the program by describing the scenario outlined in the Lisbon Strategy that seeks to salvage the role of social policy as a social investment that contributes to the competitiveness of dynamic, innovative and flexible economies . Interestingly, those European countries that most disagree with the market-oriented Lisbon principle are most successful in achieving the Lisbon objectives. Recent research results from economic psychology and evolutionary biology show that in addition to self-serving individualism that is compatible with a market economy, people also have the altruistic motivation for reciprocity. This article uses the evidence obtained from the British Attitude Survey to show that both of these concepts are present in people’s values. This means that the shift in personal responsibility to the market system is not the only way that welfare policies can gain development in a globalized world, and that welfare-based intervention based on mutual help can coexist with humanity. Therefore, the design of social policies can contribute to the value models, motivations and interactions that play a decisive role in society.