玉米生产问题是本轮农业供给侧改革必须处理好的核心问题,种植面积4 000万hm2,玉米牵动农业供给侧结构全局。主要矛盾是生产成本高,品质质量不均,不适应下游产业的个性化需求,难以应对进口玉米及其替代品冲击。东北地区是中国最大的玉米产区之一,发展机收玉米尤为重要,对其品种的筛选工作成为重中之重。1玉米籽粒机收的必要性1.1迫在眉睫纵观全球粮食贸易情况,需要面对“洋粮入市,国粮入库”、“储不下,销不掉,补不起”的局面。如何
The issue of corn production is the key issue that must be dealt with in this round of agricultural supply-side reform. The cultivated area is 40 million hectares. The corn affects the overall structure of the agricultural supply side. The main contradiction is the high cost of production, uneven quality and quality, not suited to the individual needs of downstream industries, it is difficult to deal with the impact of imported corn and its substitutes. Northeast China is one of the largest maize producing areas in China. It is particularly important to develop maize harvested by machines, and screening of its varieties has become the most important task. The Necessity of Receiving Corn Seeds 1.1 Urgently Looking at the situation of global food trade, we need to face the situation of “foreign grain entering the market, grain entering the country,” “storing up, selling off and making up for it.” how is it