副院长好,各位老师、同学们好: 之所以想起送片,是因为最早在福建碰到陈剑雨先生,他是福建厂的副厂长,他想在福建办一个回顾展,一直没有影片;后来是今年七月来到北京时见到倪震副教授,他也跟我谈起很多人没有看过我的片子,电影资料馆也只有我的一部影片《风柜来的人》。我感觉,台湾的电影能够送到北京电影学院,很荣幸。怎么说呢?其实,真正的大本营是在这里。台湾电影是因为中国文化的基因带到了台湾:我就在这个环境
Vice President is good, teachers, good students: the reason why think of sending the film, because the first encounter in Fujian, Mr. Chen Jian Yu, he is the deputy director of Fujian plant, he wanted to do a retrospective exhibition in Fujian, there has been no video Later, when he came to Beijing in July this year, he met Associate Professor Ni Zhen. He also told me that many people have not seen my films. The Film Archive has only one film, “Whoever comes from the windshield.” I feel that Taiwan’s movies can be sent to the Beijing Film Academy, is honored. What to say? In fact, the real home is here. Taiwanese movies were brought to Taiwan because of the Chinese culture: I was in this environment