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地方政府的角色定位便是法律的执行者,他们直接与行政相对人接触,法律的正义、法律的目标都需要通过他们的执行才能够体现出来。伴随着我国经济社会的飞速发展和依法治国理念的逐步推进,地方政府执法人员的法治观念以及法治意识也逐步的提升,越来越多的基层干部开始学法、守法。不过另外一方面,地方政府的部分执法人员,尤其是基层执法人员也经常出现不规范的执法行为,我国的执行现状中仍然存在有法不依、执法不严的现象。而促使这类现象的原因非常的多,除了体制上还有观念上的问题。本文首先论述了地方政府依法行政的现状,并分析产生该现状的原因,最终针对性的提出解决策略,以期我国地方政府依法行政的道路能够越来越好。 The role of local government is the law enforcement of the positioning of those who directly contact with the administrative counterparts, legal justice, legal goals need to be implemented through their ability to embody. With the rapid economic and social development in our country and the progressive promotion of the concept of governing the country by law, the awareness of the rule of law and the awareness of the rule of law in local government law enforcement personnel have also been gradually raised. More and more grassroots cadres have started to study law and abide by the law. However, on the other hand, some law enforcement officials of local governments, especially law enforcement officers at the grassroots level, often appear to have irregular behaviors of law enforcement. There are still some laws and inconsiderations in law enforcement status in our country. There are many reasons for this kind of phenomenon, in addition to their institutional and conceptual problems. This article first discusses the current situation of local government administration according to law, and analyzes the reasons for the status quo, and ultimately proposes solutions to the problem, with a view to local government in accordance with the law of our administration can get better and better.
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