中国茶叶博物馆艰苦奋斗十年 ,促进中国茶业发展 ,推动中华茶文化奇葩盛开。起到了先锋示范作用 ,功不可没。茶人值此喜庆之时 ,恭贺茶博前程似锦 ,灿烂辉煌。我企盼 :茶博在新世纪要跟上世界茶业新潮流 ,中华新茶文化充实新内容 ,筹划并实现“茶展”改革 ,把“静止式”改为“
China Tea Museum worked hard for ten years to promote the development of China’s tea industry and promote the wonderful Chinese tea culture in full bloom. Played a pioneering role model, contributed. Tea value of this festive occasion, congratulations tea bo bright future, brilliant. I hope that in the new century, Tea Bo should keep up with the new trend of the world tea industry, enrich the new content of the Chinese tea culture, plan and implement the “tea show” reform, and change the “static style” to "