A computational model describing the structure of the pyroxene-diopside (CaMgSi2O6) at the atomic level has been developed. The best computational model for a one-dimensional silicate chain structure allows all bond angles and bond lengths in the chain to vary. The crystal energy of the model is calculated by Coulomb term, neighbor repulsion term, bond angle bending and bond stretching. When the energy shown by the sixteen structural variables, including the lattice parameters, is minimized, a structure that reproduces the observations better is obtained. The elastic constant has also been calculated, which is in good agreement with the experimental results. The model was repeatedly calculated at a simulated pressure of 50 kPa and the pressure derivative of the elastic constant was obtained. The calculated pressure derivatives of the crystal lattice parameters, bond length and bond angle are roughly in agreement with the experimental observations. Two other computational models that have more constraints on silicate chains can not satisfactorily reproduce elastic constants.