Summary Microwave power amplifier, many designs are the use of transistors, Gunn diodes, avalanche transit time diode impulse lock and negative resistance amplifier constituted. When designing these microwave power amplifiers, it is necessary to effectively utilize the inherent power of the active devices according to their output power, efficiency and thermal design. This requires knowledge of what kind of power amplifier it can make up using an active device of a certain intrinsic power. In order to clarify these problems, this paper analyzes the output power characteristics of the injection-locked and the negative resistance amplifier in the large signal excitation, to clarify the relationship between the intrinsic power of the active device and the excitation power of the amplifier and the amplified power Relationship, and obtained the excitation power and the active power devices to achieve the full power between the conditions of synthesis. Analysis of the injection lock and negative resistance amplifier is divided into two types of reflection and pass, respectively, to find out the basic equations of amplitude and phase, and the excitation power and the inherent power of active devices into the amplitude of the basic equation. In addition, cite examples of practical application of the above analysis results.