联合国大学世界发展经济研究所为新的发展观提供了一个非常必要的论坛。本着这一精神,我很荣幸地向人们介绍世界银行高级副总裁和首席经济学家斯蒂格利茨(J.E.Stiglitz)发表的题为《后华盛顿共识》(More Instruments and Broader Goals:Moving Toward the Post-Washington Consensus)的1998年世界发展经济研究所年度演讲报告。这篇演讲是斯蒂格利茨教授于1998年1月7日在赫尔辛基发表的。 在这篇令人振动的演讲中,斯蒂格利茨教授对华盛顿共识,即一套已经十分有影响的信念提出了
UNU-WIDER provided a much needed forum for a new concept of development. In this spirit, I am honored to introduce to people the report titled “More Instruments and Broader Goals: Moving Toward” by JEStiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank. the Post-Washington Consensus 1998 World Development Economics Institute Annual Address. This speech was delivered by Professor Stiglitz in Helsinki on January 7, 1998. In this vocal speech, Professor Stiglitz proposed to Washington Consensus, a set of beliefs that have been very influential