提到类型影片,自然令人联想到“西部片”、“歌舞片”、“史诗片”、“强盗片”、“恐怖片”、“科幻片”……等等一系列熟悉的名称。它们的划分大都是以影片的题材所规定的一系列视觉因素而定。然而,在研究类型电影时,这种类型的划分方法则有可能产生“障眼法”,出现“盲区”。Thomas Schatz 在《好莱坞的类型》(Hol-lywood Genres)中认为,通过研究类型电影(genre film),发现的是电影类型(filmgenre),指的是类型电影的叙事模式、艺术手法及影响这些模式的手法的各种因素(参见《当代电影》1989年4期)。类型电影是一个包含各种电影类型的集合概念,反之,一种电影
Mentioned types of film, naturally reminiscent of the “Western,” “musical”, “epic”, “bandit”, “horror film”, “science fiction” ... and so on a series of familiar names. Mostly their division is based on a series of visual elements dictated by the subject matter of the film. However, in the study of type movies, this type of division is likely to produce “blind method”, the emergence of “blind spots.” In Hol-lywood Genres, Thomas Schatz argues that by studying genre films, film genre was discovered, referring to the narrative, artistic approach and influence of these genres (See Contemporary Film, 1989, No. 4). A genre movie is a collection concept that contains a variety of movie genres, and vice versa, a movie